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bulk create folders in google drive questions and answers

By Vo Tu Duc
July 24, 2023
8 min read
bulk create folders in google drive questions and answers

Frequency questions and answers on bulk create folders in google drive. If You are finding a solution for making bulk create folders in Google Drive, then this list of frequency questions and answers is for you.

Why does bulk create folders in Google Drive matter?

Bulk creating folders in Google Drive can be beneficial for several reasons as below:

  1. Organization and Structure: Bulk creating folders allows you to establish a logical and structured hierarchy for your files. This helps keep your Google Drive tidy and easy to navigate, especially when dealing with a large number of files.

  2. Time-Saving: Manually creating individual folders one by one can be time-consuming, especially when you need to create multiple folders at once. Bulk creation saves time and effort, making the process more efficient.

  3. Consistency: When creating folders in bulk, you can ensure a consistent naming convention or structure across all the folders, reducing the chances of errors or discrepancies in folder names.

  4. Project Management: For projects that involve numerous files and documents, bulk folder creation can help you set up a project-specific folder structure quickly, making collaboration and file sharing more manageable.

  5. Collaboration: When collaborating with others, a well-organized folder structure allows everyone to locate and access files easily, promoting teamwork and productivity.

  6. File Sorting: If you have a large collection of unorganized files in your Google Drive, bulk folder creation can help you sort and group related files, improving overall file management.

  7. Backup and Archiving: When archiving or backing up files, creating folders in bulk ensures that all files are appropriately categorized, making it easier to locate specific files when needed.

  8. Ease of Access: Bulk-created folders can be utilized for various purposes, like sharing specific resources with a group of people or providing access to certain files to a particular team.

  9. Reduced Clutter: Keeping files in well-organized folders minimizes clutter, making it simpler to find relevant files and reducing the risk of accidentally deleting or misplacing files.

  10. Future Scalability: As your Google Drive grows with time, having a well-structured folder system from the beginning makes it easier to scale and manage your files efficiently.

Overall, bulk creating folders in Google Drive matters because it fosters a more organized, efficient, and productive workflow, making it easier to manage and share your files effectively.

Common business scenarios to use bulk create folders in Google Drive?

Let’s explore some detailed common business scenarios where bulk creating folders in Google Drive would be advantageous:

  1. Client Project Management: A marketing agency is handling multiple client projects simultaneously. They need to store various files, including design assets, marketing plans, reports, and client communication records. Bulk creating folders based on each client’s name or project helps keep all relevant files organized, making it easier for team members to find and collaborate on project-specific data.

  2. Employee Onboarding: A human resources department is hiring multiple new employees. They need to manage documents like resumes, offer letters, tax forms, and training materials. Bulk creating folders for each new hire ensures all the necessary onboarding documents are properly categorized, simplifying the process and reducing the risk of missing critical information.

  3. Event Planning: An event management company is organizing several events for different clients. They have various event-related files such as guest lists, vendor contracts, schedules, and promotional materials. By bulk creating folders for each event, they can maintain a clear separation of data, making it easy to access and update event-specific information.

  4. Sales Collateral Organization: A sales team has a vast collection of sales collateral, including presentations, brochures, case studies, and product documentation. By bulk creating folders based on product categories or sales stages, the sales team can efficiently manage and access relevant materials during the sales process.

  5. Financial Reports and Auditing: An accounting firm needs to manage financial reports and auditing documents for multiple clients. By creating folders in bulk for each client, they can ensure that all the relevant financial data is stored securely and can be easily located when required.

  6. Research and Development (R&D): A technology company is conducting various research and development projects. They have research papers, experimental data, prototypes, and technical documentation. Bulk creating folders for each project allows the R&D team to maintain a systematic archive of all their work and findings.

  7. Legal Document Management: A law firm deals with numerous legal cases, each with a large number of documents, court filings, and evidence. Bulk creating folders for each case helps the legal team organize and manage all the necessary legal materials efficiently.

  8. Training and Learning Materials: A corporate training department has a library of training materials, videos, and presentations. Bulk creating folders for different training topics or departments streamlines the process of curating and sharing relevant materials with employees.

  9. Supplier and Vendor Management: A procurement team handles various suppliers and vendors. By bulk creating folders for each vendor, they can store contracts, invoices, and communication records separately, facilitating vendor management and financial tracking.

  10. Remote Team Collaboration: In a company with remote teams, bulk creating folders allows employees to organize and share files more effectively, fostering seamless collaboration even when team members are working from different locations.

Which business sectors should use bulk create folders in Google Drive?

In reality, almost any business sector can benefit from bulk creating folders in Google Drive. Here are some examples of business sectors that can leverage this feature:

  1. Education: Educational institutions, such as schools, colleges, and universities, often deal with a large number of files, including assignments, lesson plans, research materials, and student records. Bulk creating folders can help educators and administrators organize their resources effectively.

  2. Marketing and Advertising: Marketing and advertising teams work on multiple campaigns, each with various assets, including images, videos, and documents. Bulk creating folders allows them to categorize and manage their creative assets efficiently.

  3. Human Resources: HR departments handle a vast amount of employee data, including resumes, contracts, performance evaluations, and training materials. Bulk creating folders simplifies HR document management and enhances data privacy.

  4. Project Management: In industries like construction, engineering, and software development, where projects involve numerous files and documents, bulk folder creation ensures a well-structured approach to manage project-related files.

  5. Media and Entertainment: Media companies, content creators, and entertainment firms deal with a wide range of multimedia assets. Bulk creating folders helps in organizing videos, images, audio files, and scripts for various productions.

  6. Healthcare: Hospitals, clinics, and medical practices handle a significant amount of patient records, medical reports, and administrative documents. Bulk creating folders ensures proper categorization and easy access to medical data.

  7. Finance: Financial institutions deal with extensive financial reports, client documents, and regulatory filings. Bulk creating folders helps maintain compliance and improves document management in this sector.

  8. Nonprofits: Nonprofit organizations often handle various projects, fundraising campaigns, and donor-related files. Bulk creating folders allows them to efficiently manage their data and resources.

  9. Consulting and Professional Services: Consulting firms and professional service providers deal with multiple client engagements and projects. Bulk creating folders streamlines file organization and improves collaboration with clients.

  10. Retail and E-commerce: Retailers and e-commerce businesses generate a large volume of product images, marketing materials, and sales reports. Bulk creating folders facilitates easy access and management of these assets.

Frequency questions and answers on bulk create folders in google drive.

Question 1: Can we make Bulk create folders in Google Drive?

Yes, we can bulk create folders in Google Drive. There are a lot of solutions such as using Google Sheets add-ons, and using Apps script with Google Drive API.

Using Auto create folder and file Add-on to bulk create folders in Google Drive
Using Auto create folder and file Add-on to bulk create folders in Google Drive

Question 2: How many ways to make a Bulk create folders in Google Drive?

Most common way is using your Google Sheet with appropriate Add-ons such as Auto Create folder and file. This way is for most common users.

If you are able to code and to understand how Google Drive API works, you can program it for your own demand.

Question 3: Can I make a Bulk create folders in Google Drive from Google Sheets?

Yes, you can. Some Google Sheets add-ons such as Auto Create folder and file offers a way to make bulk create folders in Google Drive from a Google Sheets.

For instance, When using the mentioned add-on, you can create up to 200 new folders in your Google Drive with just a single click.

From your Google Sheet, You input the list of folders names that you want to create. The add-ons then do the rest.

When using Auto create folder and file Add-ons, With just one click from Google Sheets, you can automate the 07 steps below:

  1. Auto-create new parent folders that contain multiple child folders in Google Drive.

  2. Auto-create new files and organize them into the appropriate folders.

  3. Auto-fill text into the newly created files.

  4. Auto-save information about the newly created files and folders into your current Google Sheet.

  5. Automatically add files to the list of existing folders.

  6. Seamlessly add new folders to the existing list of folders.

  7. Generate QR codes for each folder, enabling quick access through the Google Drive App by scanning to open the folder.

When using this automated document creation in Google Drive, you will no longer need to ~manually perform~ the following steps:

  1. ~Copy or duplicate~ your template files or folder structure.

  2. ~Paste your templates~ or folders into the appropriate location.

  3. ~Rename~ the new files.

With this add-on, you can effortlessly create multiple folders and files on Google Drive simultaneously. You can manage your Google Drive and its documents directly from Google Sheets.

Question 4: When making Bulk create folders in Google Drive, can we set up the folder name according to our preference?

Yes, it is possible to set up the folder name before making bulk create folders in Google Drive.

You can write the folder name in your Google Sheet, or in the input form of Add-ons or input directly in Apps script project.

Question 5: When making Bulk create folders in Google Drive, can we save the information of newly folders in Google Sheets?

Yes. Google Drive API and Apps script support this. Other Google Sheets add-on also supports this. For example, every time you execute Auto create folder and file add-ons to bulk create folder and file, it will automatically save all information of newly created folders into a single tab. The information includes created data, folder name, file name, the link or url of folder, the folder owners (who created new folders and new files).

Auto save folders and files information into a single tab when making bulk create folders in Google Drive
Auto save folders and files information into a single tab when making bulk create folders in Google Drive

Question 6: Is it possible to add template files in newly created folders when making bulk create folders in Google Drive?

Yes. You can add template files when executing bulk create folders in Google Drive. For example, if you use Mode 05 of Auto create folder and file Google Sheets add-ons, you can add a specific template file into a list of existing folders in your Google Drive. You also have an option to organize multiple templates into appropriate folders.

Question 7: Is it possible to set up the folder structure when making bulk create folders in Google Drive?

Yes, It is possible to set up folder structure when making a bulk creation of folders in Google Drive. For example, if you want to automatically create a new parent which contains multiple child folders and in each new child folder you want to add a new file that is copied from your template, you can use Mode 01 of Auto create folder and file Google sheet add-ons.

This add-ons also offers a way to flexible design the folder structure before auto creating the folder.

Question 8: What is the limitation when making bulk create folders in Google Drive?

Yes, there’s a limitation. If you use Auto create folder and file add-on, you can auto create up to 200 new folders at once.

If you code for your demand by using Google Apps script and Google Drive, the limitation will be time of executing the apps script. With Free Gmail, the length per execution of your apps script is less than 6 minutes. This limitation is provided by Google.

Question 9: What are common tasks should I do to bulk create folders in Google Drive?

There are a lot of common tasks or use cases at both work and daily life that we should do to bulk create folders in Google Drive.

If you are an event organizer and you want to create a folder in Google Drive for each visitor so that you can save their information or share information personalize with each visitor, you should use bulk create folders in Google Drive in this case.

If you are a project manager of a construction company, there are a lot of use cases that need to bulk create folders in Google Drive. You automatically create a folder backup for daily inspection at the side. You automatically create bulk folders for worker management at the side. There are a lot more.

If you are a security administrator and everyday you always need to create a folder to save the daily log such as a photo or other signal at work, you should use a way to bulk create a folder and file in Google Drive.

Question 10: Show me bulk create folders in Google Drive in action

The series video below is an example of how to bulk create folders in Google Drive in action.

Read more on step by step to create multiple folders in Google Drive


bulk create foldersGoogle DriveGoogle SheetsFrequency questions and answers


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Build a automated quote system for Jobber business account that relied on Google Drive Gmail and Google Sheets
Vo Tu Duc

Vo Tu Duc

A Google Developer Expert, Google Cloud Innovator

Table Of Contents

Why does bulk create folders in Google Drive matter?
Frequency questions and answers on bulk create folders in google drive.

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